
Baseball Pitching

How To Increase Pitching Velocity?
If you want to be a baseball player, one very important thing you need to know is pitching. All players are required to be skilled in doing this because they cannot expect to be batting the whole time. 
Any aspiring pitcher in baseball wants to increase the throwing velocity. Fortunately this is not a god given talent. There are methods to increase it. What pitchers need is full body explosive exercises to energize as many muscles of the body as possible since pitching is a full body activity.

It would also help if an athlete would seek the help of other people like his coach, teammates, and other professionals. Letting others watch and criticize you helps let you know which areas to improve on. A good thing to consider is to get the help of a professional instructor because this can help you with your mechanics.

Exercising and strength training would be other things that a player can do. Many are afraid to lift weights because of the many myths surrounding this. However, proper exercise can help strengthen the different joints of your body. This is also recommended so players will have better mobility and stability.

If you are an athlete, it is a must for you to be physically fit so you can cope up with the physical demands of the game. When the body is not in good shape, it would not be able to exert the needed power and speed. That is why one has to stay fit by making sure that he not underweight or overweight.


It is imperative to include a strength and conditioning program for a pitcher to have prolonged success in baseball. A good strength and conditioning program can help a pitcher have better endurance for both single game performance and seasonal performance, as well as help to add velocity to his pitches and, most importantly, help to reduce the risk of injury. Since pitchers use their whole body to pitch, it is important to train the whole body, not just the arm and shoulder.

Leg strength and endurance is crucial for pitchers because much of the power and force behind a pitch comes from pushing off the rubber. 

It is important to work the abdominal region, particularly with rotation. 

The forearm is also important because a strong forearm can help protect the elbow as well as improve grip


 You can incorporate both baseball related and non-baseball-related exercises into your workouts to increase your throwing velocity.

Long Toss
Long toss is one of the most effective and popular arm strengthening exercises. 

Resistance Band Exercises
Resistance band exercises improve arm strength as well as flexibility to prevent injuries. 

Upper-Body Strength Training
Weightlifting for pitchers should focus on high repetitions with light to moderate weight mixed with stretching exercises to promote flexibility.

Lower-Body Strength Training
The strength and stability of your lower bodies has an influence on your throwing velocity. 

A player should also have the right attitude towards himself and his career. It is not wise for a player to be very complacent since this will only make him slack off. No matter how skilled you are, your mindset should always be that you still have so many things to improve on.